
Place Names of Calne: South Place

South Place
In February 1962, the house South Place was demolished, with the flats erected in the same decade.

South Place was a on the corner of Silver street and London road and the building may have had an 18th-Century core. It had a distinctive machicolated parapet, a large projection that curved around the north side of the building, which linked a warehouse on Silver street and a house on London road[1].

The house had an interesting history, from being the home of Abraham Henly, who used it as an outlet for wine and spirits, to being the home of Thomas Harris (of C&T Harris) and his family. Thomas Harris donated money that was used to open the recreation ground in Calne, which he did to celebrate his silver wedding anniversary to Elizabeth, his third wife. He was also a five time mayor for the town[2].

Between 1947 and 1962, it was the surgery for Dr. Alan Grant, who managed to buy the entire building in the mid-1950s. Sadly the building was in very poor condition and when it was demolished, Dr. Grant and his wife moved to the Coach House at Castlefields, now Grant House; while the surgery moved to Station Road, in a wooden hut[3].

[1] Calne: The town in the 19th century | British History Online. 2019. Calne: The town in the 19th century | British History Online. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/wilts/vol17/pp41-44#anchorn38. [Accessed 03 September 2019].
[2]  n.n (1917) 'Death of Mrs. Thomas Harris' Wiltshire Times and Trowbridge Advertiser, 12 May 1917. Available at: https://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/viewer/BL/0001557/19170512/062/0005?browse=False [Accessed on 03 September 2019]
[3] Beale, N., 1998. Is that the Doctor?. 1st ed. Trowbridge: Cromwell Press.