
Place Names of Calne: Streets named for places outside of Wiltshire

Corfe castle, the probable inspiration for Corfe Crescent.
We have a few streets in Calne named for places outside of Wiltshire, listed below. So, why name a street after another town?

Charlieu is an easy one and commemorates the twinning of Calne and Charlieu, France in the early 1970s.

What we know as Oxford Road, is one of the earliest roads and was the direct route to Swindon - and perhaps onwards to Oxford? Interestingly, it seems that at least p

Some place names may have been suggested due to personal connections for the housing developer or a councillor at the time of building the street, or perhaps they reflect some historical relationship that I'm not currently aware of.

The estate near Tesco Express has four apparent place names (Amberley Close, Newbury Avenue, Richmond Road, and Thatcham Close), but apart from Newbury and Thatcham (which are approximately 9 miles apart), there doesn't see to be any real connection when looking at a map. Corfe Crescent is located within Braemor Road, and Oxford Court is an offshoot of Oxford Road.

London road and Oxford road are historic roads in Calne and will have posts with a deeper discussion. As will Cotswold Close, Portland Way, Perbeck Place, which are named for the building material rather than the actual place.

Street Name
Amberley Close
Charlieu Avenue
Corfe Crescent
Dunnet Close
London Road
Newbury Avenue
Oxford Court
Oxford Road
Richmond Road
Rochdale Avenue
Thatcham Close
Westerham Walk


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