
Book Review: Stonehenge and Avebury by Rodney Legg

This is a fantastic gazetteer that covers sites at Avebury and Stonehenge.

Avebury is covered first and begins with a simple labelled map of sites, which aids context when reading the descriptions, but wouldn't easily be used to find the off-road sites within the Avebury World Heritage Site area. However, that's not a problem as OS map references are provided and are likely to be clearly labelled on OS maps of the area.

Along with descriptions of the site and items of special interest within each site, some historical context is provided, which can really help with understanding just how recently a lot of features, particularly underground features, were discovered. Interestingly, I read that Woodhenge was assumed to be a ploughed-out disc barrow until the advent of archeaological aerial reconnaissance in 1925.

There are photographs showing many of the sites and particular features of interest, including a lot of snow scenes, which can allow a lot of detail to be revealed within a site (particularly features on stone).

The Avebury section receives about a third of this book, with the Stonehenge area recieving the rest. Sites covered in the Avebury area include, but not limited to:
Adam and Eve
Beckhampton Avenue and Longbarrow
Devil's Den
East Kennet Long Barrow
Lockeridge Dene
Seven Barrows
Silbury Hill
West Kennet Avenue, Henge Monuments, and Long Barrow
Windmill Hill.

As this is a blog focused on the Calne area, I haven't listed the Stonehenge sites, but rest assured that there are many.

This is a good book to read offsite and to have with you onsite to gain insight into these marvellous structures that almost seem to be littered around us. Definitely worth a read.